Find resources here to make your garden the best that it can be while gardening in Richmond Community Gardens.

Please refer to this page if you feel you need clarity in our rules and why we have them. If you feel you’re not clear on an aspect of the regulations or feel that there should be additional resources here, please feel free to contact We want all our gardeners to feel that they have the support and tools they need to have their best garden.

Expectations of our community gardeners:

1.) Weeds

  • Weeds are the greatest issue within the community gardens. They must be kept under control. Each gardener takes on half of the pathway all-around their plot. Weeds must be kept out of the plot as well.
  • A few weeds are ok, but they can quickly get out of hand. The best method is to remove as much of the root of the weed as possible and apply a new layer of woodchips. DO NOT just place woodchips over the weeds, they will continue to grow through.

Find more information on what is acceptable with weeds

2.) Lumber

  • In our gardens, we do not allow the use of treated lumber. This is because for lumber to be ‘treated’ it is processed using chemicals and preserving agents to prevent rot and insect damage. These chemicals can include copper or boron-based compounds, which when placed in a garden, can leach into the plants and vegetables.
  • To ensure that the lumber is untreated, please check with the lumber store that you purchase the wood, and please keep the receipt in case of future issues
  • Recommended woods are Cedar or Spruce.

3.) Compost Bins

  1. Each garden plot must have a compost bin as outlined in our rules and regulations. This is to prevent the over-filling of the green bins we have on-site. All invasive and diseased plants, as well as weeds, must be placed in the municipal green bins, and all other materials should be placed in gardeners’ personal compost bin.
  2. Compost bins should be secured and turned regularly to help with the issue of rats.

4.) Fencing

5.) Objects in the garden